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Learn how we’ll approach your life & career coaching experience 

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What we'll do
How I'm different

How-to’s are easy.

Real life is much more complex.


I offer transition guidance that doesn't overlook the often ignored holistic, human-centered nature of the career change experience.

Embrace your personal & professional pivot



The boutique 1:1 coaching service going beyond tactical guidance to provide you customized, whole-human life & career transition support.

How coaching accelerates your process

Setbacks can destroy our motivation and derail our progress.

➔ Career worries and the uncertainties of change can lead even the most successful people to settle.

➔ And often, issues come up that are not external, pragmatic, or career related at all.

Often, our perception, expectations or assumptions about ourselves, our circumstance, and the people around us can slow our progress or even guide us in the wrong direction.


My coaching involves a collaborative approach that facilitates a deeper, more intentional process to arrive at your own personal best decisions – to accelerate your progress by going in the right direction.

Together, we can explore external and internal needs, desires, and challenges to help you achieve your goals, discover meaningful personal insights, and overcome personal or professional barriers along the way.   

Schedule a Coaching Consult to Learn More

What would coaching look like for you?

Schedule a consult and let's talk about your career and life goals. 


Schedule a career coaching consult

I guide you on both the practical and human aspects of your transition.

Potential stops on your coaching journey:

Based on your preferences, goals, and timeframe, we can make progress through a combination of topics: 

  • A clear, specific and attainable life/career vision: Dive into your unique interests, strengths, experience, and your personal and professional aspirations to define your ideal outcome for our time together.  

  • Short and long term plans: This may involve planning out a career move, an inward change, a fresh new perspective, or a transition into whole new lifestyle. Tentative coaching plans will give us a sense of where we are in the process.

  • Potential changes in perspective, habits and norms: We'll dig deep to experience powerful breakthroughs, glean new insights, and shift into one or more new perspectives, habits, and/or norms based on these insights.

  • Maintaining momentum and navigating obstacles: Weekly check-ins and accountability help you gain speed and continue your forward progress. Coaching can also provide support during challenges, plateaus, or low motivation.

Should you find that a career move is your next step, we can include the following as needed: 

  • Career exploration: We'll coach on, explore, and research careers to arrive at your ideal transition and target role/organization.

  • Career strategy development: Between the career exploration and branding stages, we'll find your competitive edge and the career search strategy that will provide you optimal career leverage. 

  • Professional narrative: Your career history is valuable - even more so when it's targeted and refined. We'll craft your professional brand from your career history (far beyond your resume) and three ideal postings. 

  • Resume from scratch: We'll capture your most valuable skills, qualities, and accomplishments. Per your preferences, we'll collaborate on content, style, and formatting.*

  • LinkedIn audit and revision: I'll guide you through your profile, providing sample content and short videos as needed for easy revisions. We'll adjust as you find the perfect combination of text and media. 

  • Networking support: We'll align your profile settings to better connect with companies, recruiters, and job postings. We'll coach through conversations, networking, and relationship building as needed.   

  • Interview Prep & Coaching: Mentally prepare for interviews with mindset coaching, mind mapping, question structures, and other tools to organize your thinking, refine your communication, and enhance your overall interview skillset. Experience mock interviews and targeted feedback to practice and refine your skills.

  • Negotiations techniques: Leverage interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence, and a genuinely collaborative approach to negotiate a win/win compensation package.


*Branded resume content provided to you for final proofing. 


 Curious what coaching will "look like" week to week?

Get more detail on the coaching process

“Patricia has the exceptional ability to help you move to the next level in your career...


She can simplify the decision-making process so you understand how you make decisions based on your priorities and values.”

- L.T.

Beyond what mentors, resume writers, and typical career coaches can offer

How am I different? 

I’ve been highly intentional in cultivating the four domains/specialties needed for optimal transitions:

  • A career counseling background necessary for mid-life career decisions, including research-backed career development theory and emotional intelligence frameworks to help you make sense of seemingly unrelated career and personal observations.


  • A strengths-focused career, life, and executive coaching approach, helping you create internal meaning and momentum you won't experience with standalone career strategy and branding.


  • An in-house career branding methodology integrating resume writing and LinkedIn strategy with the professional branding framework used to create some of the world’s most effective and memorable brands.


  • Psychology-informed communication techniques to help you convey your ideas compellingly and become more persuasive (and gracefully assertive) in your career search, work life, and personal interactions.

I bring these specialties together to support you throughout your career and/or life transition.


Learn more about our process here or click below to schedule a consult: 

Schedule a complimentary consult

“Inner work can be challenging, and finding someone who can lead in this process was critical to my success...


Patricia is tactful and genuine in her approach -she is a joy to work with.”

- T.W.

Most career programs:

  • Believe the answer is always a new position
  • Assume straightforward career advancement
  • Are tactically oriented, missing the human component altogether
  • Offer a “proven system” with a big-box philosophy


Choose a program that makes space for you.

Learn about The Uncommon Career difference.

Schedule a Conversation

“The biggest thing she helped me with was not just the career change itself, she helped me get past mindset issues that I lived with for years

Your transformation begins with the first step. 


Let’s have a conversation that will move your personal and professional life forward.

 Schedule a time to get started today.

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Your transformation begins with the first step. 

Let’s have a conversation that will move your professional life forward.

 Schedule to get started today.

Schedule a coaching consult