10. The kryptonite to your callingÂ
Nov 01, 2022
Did you know your past experience impacts your response to future opportunities? While "trauma" may sound like a far fetched idea, or maybe someone else's problem, you may be surprised to know that impactful negative experiences and yes, trauma, affect much if not most of society (that includes me, and that might also include you). Today, I'll cover key insights from Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk's best-selling book, The Body Keeps the Score. Learn how "the greatest source of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves" (quote from Dr. Van Der Kolk's book), how these life challenges affect us well into our adulthood, how they can keep you from your calling and purpose, and of course, small actionable steps you can take to overcome the impact and move in freedom & into your calling.
Downloadable Resources:
- Career Transition Blueprint: a checklist to cut the stress and simplify your career leap