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94. The Value Equation: How to Own Your Career Confidence, with Jamila Brown

podcast episodes succeed at work Jan 14, 2025
Blog/podcast with title: 101. The Value Equation: How to Own and Communicate Your Career Confidence, with Jamila Brown


How Do You Define Your Value?

Navigating your career can often feel like a complex math problem. However, according to Jamila Brown, career strategist and guest on our podcast, the key to finding success begins not with solving for X, but by defining your value—starting with who you are as a person. In our recent episode, we dove deep into the process of self-discovery, uncovering your unique value proposition, and learning to communicate it with confidence.

Let’s explore the wisdom she shared on aligning your personal and professional self, how to beat career burnout, and her unique formula for unlocking your true value.


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Start With Your Personal Value

Start by challenging the separation between our personal and professional lives. Because the truth is, we bring our whole selves to work, every day. To know your value in your career, you must first understand your value as a person. This starts with recognizing that you already have a perceived value, even if you're unaware of it.

Self-awareness is vital since it shapes how others treat you both personally and professionally, so learning to be attuned with yourself is a step in the right direction.


Jamila's Formula for Value

Confidence x (Belief - Fear) = Value to the Infinite Power

According to Jamila, confidence stems from belief in your abilities, but you also have to subtract fear from the equation. Fear often sneaks in when we are on the verge of stepping into our true potential.

“Belief minus fear equals confidence, and that confidence is what drives your value,” she explained. It’s a formula that can be applied whether you’re just starting your career or looking to make a major change.


Start With Your Childhood

To understand your strengths, one recommendation is to reflect on your childhood. Oftentimes, your true value can be found in childhood. Whether it was an early entrepreneurial spirit, a creative spark, or a natural talent, these can be clues to your career direction.


Break the Barrier to Confidence

One challenge in defining your value is identifying the fear that holds you back. Most people don’t start by addressing the source of their fear, but instead, they dive into fixing the symptoms. Instead, identify where that pain or discomfort is—whether it’s burnout, stress, or feeling undervalued. Pain is often the best indicator that something needs to change. And while fear can be paralyzing, facing it head-on allows you to regain confidence and recalibrate your value.


Articulate Your Value 

To communicate your value effectively, you must start with a simple action: write it down.

The act of writing down your strengths and aspirations allows you to visualize them clearly. Speaking your value aloud, as affirmations in the present tense, helps cement your belief in what you’re capable of. Even if you don’t fully believe it yet, act with courage until it becomes second nature.


Your Confidence is Worth the Effort

Finding and communicating your value takes time and courage, but it’s a journey worth taking. Whether you're dealing with career burnout or simply looking to advance in your profession, Jamila Brown’s insights remind us that understanding our value starts with a deep dive into who we are as humans.

Don’t let fear hold you back. It’s time to step into your true value and own it.


P.S. Follow me on LinkedIn for more highly-practical guidance. 

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